Communication Skills Put To Test!!
Many a times, the team at SolutionsPlus are creatively investing time in fun-learning activities that cater towards achieving certain parameters at work.
Team-Building Exercise:
Goal: To ensure proper communication is practiced into day-2-day activities at work
Goal: Communicating Skills put on test!!
Guiding your co-worker through a series of hurdles with very few words and accuracy.
Goal: Working In Teams!!
Guiding the team-member towards the goal despite of the hurdles
Hurrah!! We Made It!!
- Solutions Plus HR-Activities
- 2021-03-03
- #communicationskills,#effectivecommunication,#teambuilding,#strategies,#learning,#hractivities,#inhouseactivities,#workingtogether,#trustingeachother,#enablingtrust,#guidance,#trust,#goal,#goaloriented,#distractions